I’d like to introduce the following three steps to booting your Banana Pi
Step 1: You need to know what you should prepare in advance.
Description & Notes
SD card
· Min memory 4Gb; class 4 (the class means how fast the card is).
· *We highly recommend to use the branded SD card as they are more reliable.
· HDMI (Type A) to HDMI lead (for HD TVs and monitors with HDMI input).OR HDMI (Type A) to DVI adapter cable (for monitors with only a DVI input).
· Type A HDMI is 13.9 mm wide (check Wikipedia or Google for more info or look at the photos)
· *Attention: Some HDMI-DVI adapters will only work on the Linux images (as adapted for B-Pi and in our Downloads section). For “Android 4.2.2 for Banana Pi v2.0” you'd better use an HDMI-HDMI cable (in other words, your monitor or TV must be HD-ready), some HDMI-DVI doesn't work normally.
AV video lead
· A standard AV video lead to connect to your analogue display (eg a TV) if you are not using the HDMI output.
Keyboard &mouse
· Any a standard USB keyboard and mouse should be worked.
· Attention: the keyboard or mouse that take lots of power from the USB ports may need a powered USB hub.This may include some wireless devices.
Ethernet cable USB WIFI
· Networking is optional, although it makes updating and getting new software for your Banana Pi much easier.
Micro USB power adapter
· A good-quality micro USB power supply that can provide at least 2A and 5V is essential.
· Attention: most mobile phone chargers are NOT suitable — checking the label on the plug whether they can deliver 2 amps and 5 volts or not.
Audio lead
· You can use a 3.5mm jack audio cable to connect the audio port to external speakers to get STE
Mobile Hard Disk
· You can choose to connect a mobile hard disk to the SATA port to store more files. Special cables are required for this – look on Amazon – but they are not expensive, under 10 dollars/Euros/pounds.
A case for your B-Pi (recommend)
· The case costs less than 10 dollars/Euros/pounds and will protect your B-Pi from dust, moisture and most importantly short circuits and static.
· Attention: ALL of the the Raspberry Pi cases are NOT compatible (the board dimensions and also the layout of the Banana Pi's inputs/outputs are different).
HDMI to HDMI lead HDMI to DVI lead AV video lead
SD card Micro USB power adapter
Step 2: Prepare your SD card
In order to enjoy your Banana Pi, you will need to install an Operating System (OS) onto an SD card. The instructions below will teach you how to write an OS image to your SD card either in Windows or Linux.
1. Insert your SD card into your computer or card reader. The size of the SD should be larger than the OS image size, generally 4GB or greater.
2. Format the SD card.
A: Download an SD card format tool such as SD Formatter from
B: Unzip the download file and run the setup.exe (Run as Administrator) to install the tool on your machine
C: After installation, start the tool (again, Run as Administrator). In the "Options" menu, set "FORMAT TYPE" option to QUICK, "FORMAT SIZE ADJUSTMENT" option to "ON".
D: Check that the drive letter of the SD card you inserted matches the one selected by the software. Otherwise it will format and delete all data on another drive or card. To be safe, only have your main hard drive connected and only the SD card that you want to use in your B-Pi. LeMaker is not responsible for any loss of data.
E: Click the “Format” button.
i. In a terminal, run the sudo fdisk –l command to check the SD card node.
ii. Run the sudo umount /dev/sdxx to unmount all the partitions of the SD card.
iii. Run the sudo fdisk /dev/sdx command. Use the o command to delete all partition of SD card and use the n command to add one new partition. Use the w command to save change.
iv. Run the sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdx1 command to format the new created partition of SD card as FAT32.
(x should be replaced according to your SD card node as discovered in point vi above)
(x should be replaced according to your SD card node as discovered in point vi above)
You can also jump this step under Linux, because write image command dd under Linux will format the SD card automatically.
4, Unzip the download file to get the OS image (should have the extension .img). To do this.
Windows: Right click on the file and choose “Extract all”.
Linux: Run unzip [path]/[downloaded filename] command.
If the filename extension is .tgz, run tar zvxf [path]/[downloaded filename] command.
Ensure that neither the file name of the image you're using or the path contain any spaces (or other odd characters, for that matter).
Windows: Right click on the file and choose “Extract all”.
Linux: Run unzip [path]/[downloaded filename] command.
If the filename extension is .tgz, run tar zvxf [path]/[downloaded filename] command.
Ensure that neither the file name of the image you're using or the path contain any spaces (or other odd characters, for that matter).
5, Write the image file to the SD card.
i. Download a tool that can wirte images to an SD card, such as Win32 Diskimager from:http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/files/Archive/
ii. Open the unzipped image file.
i. Click the Write button. Wait patiently to successfully complete the writing. Do not disturb or disconnect/remove the card or shut down the computer during this process. When it has finished, soft-eject the card using the 'Safely Remove Hardware' icon in the System Tray/Notification area (bottom right of your screen), then physically remove the card from the card reader.
i. Run the sudo fdisk –l command to check the SD card node.
ii. Verify if the hash key of the zip file is the same as shown on the downloads page (optional).
sha1sum [path]/[imagename]
This will print out a long hex number which should match the "SHA-1" line for the SD image you have downloaded.
sha1sum [path]/[imagename]
This will print out a long hex number which should match the "SHA-1" line for the SD image you have downloaded.
iii. Run the umount /dev/sdxx to unmount all the partitions of the the SD card
iv. Run the sudo dd bs=4M if=[path]/[imagename] of=/dev/sdx command to write image file to SD card. Wait patiently to successfully complete writing. Please note that block size set to 4M will work most of the time, if not, please try 1M, although 1M will take considerably longer.You can use the sudo pkill –USR1 –n –x dd command to check progress
Step 3: Set up your Banana Pi
According to the set up diagram below, you can easily set up your Banana Pi.
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